It was bound to happen.
Mandatory isolation has meant “how-to,” videos have experienced a renaissance with people choosing to undertake certain treatments without the benefit of a trained professional.
Of course, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. At-home facials may not be quite as luxurious or effective as a clinic-based treatment, but it’s certainly better than nothing. But, inevitably, some YouTubers have taken things too far.
Here are the treatments you should be warning your clients not to try at home:
That’s right; there are videos and blogs explaining how this intricate, highly skilled treatment can be completed with a scalpel and a steady pair of hands in a mirror. I bet you never thought you’d have to tell your clients not to touch their face with surgical steel, but this is apparently the world we live in now.
Chemical Peels
Good news! You can make your own chemical peel, and you’ll never have to go to a clinic again. Of course, if you get this one wrong, you’ll never leave the house again.
Fortunately, there are just as many websites dedicated to the dangers of an unqualified chemical peel as there are videos extolling the virtues of DIY recipes. Many of the at-home recipes and solutions are not genuine chemical peels, using citric acid and other relatively safe ingredients (until you have an allergic reaction) but the messaging could certainly be much clearer.
Skin Needling
Maybe we should have a blanket rule –
If you Google something and the phrases “clinical,” “medical,” or “sterile,” are mentioned in the first few sentences, don’t do it on your own.
Yes, the pressure applied is important. Yes, that requires training. Yes, if you are doing this for the first time, then you are testing out a minimally invasive procedure on your own skin.
Cosmetic Tattooing
Nope. If someone thinks trying this at home is a good idea, then I look forward to seeing the results.
All joking aside, we are all aware of the care and attention required to get clinical treatments right, as well as the dangers associated with not doing so. With so much information flowing around at the moment, this could be a good time to help your clients avoid making foolish mistakes.