Welcome to the New Year! A time for new gym memberships, less partying and unrealistic resolutions that last until February. But what about your clinic? What are her resolutions and how can you make sure they’ll last?
According to every article on ‘how to keep new years resolutions,’ the trick is to have small, manageable goals rather than massive tasks that take too much effort. This is especially true in our industry where clients, staff and seemingly everything else is scrambling for our attention.
So here are a few small, manageable things that you can implement this year:
Video Content
Thanks to TikTok (and Instagram doing a massive video pivot) video content is the new black when it comes to social media. As with any other form of marketing, the content itself (what’s being said) is more important than videographic perfection. So, make a list of potential videos for your clinic –
- A walkthrough of your rooms
- A demo of a treatment
- Advice for after-care
- Tips for skincare at home (these were HUGE during the pandemic)
- New treatments available
- Introducing a team member
- ‘Just for fun’ – show them your lighter side
- FAQ’s
Now get filming! Don’t worry if it’s just ‘okay,’ or if the angle isn’t quite right. Our clients know that we’re human and sometimes have bad hair days and that we all have slight double chins from that angle! Video is a tool to help them get to know you, which makes it feel like they’ve already started a relationship with you before they even enter the clinic.
Out With the Old!
When was the last time you had a close look at your clinic menu? Not just what’s on it, but also how often each treatment is performed? This may give you some insights into your business and where you should be focusing your energies. If you created a facial treatment a few years ago that didn’t resonate with your clients, why do you still have it on your menu? Perhaps it could be tweaked or improved or removed altogether.
An analysis of your menu will give you focus and improving it will assist in promotion and give you something new to offer your clients.
Show the Love
It’s a nightmare when a great team member leaves. It’s worse when the reason they left was that they didn’t feel valued. This year, perhaps it’s time to make sure you’re saying people are amazing and showing them. Grab a calendar and plan some work outings. Ask each person what they want from the job:
- Do they want to be a manager?
- Do they want more flexibility?
- Is money their primary driver?
Understanding what people want and having the conversation with them shouldn’t be seen as a negative – they’re having that same conversation in their head anyway. If the issue isn’t resolved, then it will grow in their mind and eventually they’ll start looking around.
Resolutions don’t need to be huge. Small things can make an enormous difference to your business, the lives of your employees and your quality of life in 2023.