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Offers to Excite Your Audience

March 23, 2023

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Are you looking for some exciting offers to engage and inspire your audience? When you look around most clinics, it feels like everyone is copying everyone else’s promotions, so how can you create an offer that stands out?

Here are our ideas for offers that scream excitement:

Gift Voucher Discounts

Give me $50, and I’ll give you a $100 gift voucher. It sounds like an amazing offer, but it’s just the old ‘50% off’ done a slightly different way.

The best part about this offer is that it’s not limited to clients – partners, spouses and kids can buy their loved one something special and let them choose it.

Buy This, Get That (But ‘That’ is Better than ‘This’)

Let’s assume that in order to create a loyal client you need to create repeat visits as quickly as possible. So, having your first transaction less profitable is probably worth it.

People are used to offers such as ‘buy something expensive and get something (much) cheaper free!’ If you reverse that, they’ll look for the catch, and start a conversation and that’s the exact point of an offer like this.

Examples include:

“Buy an LED session and get a free facial”

“Buy an entry-level facial and your next premium facial is free”

You get it – just reverse the buy-one-get-one-free offer so that the thing they buy is cheaper than the free thing they get.

Give a Friend a Free Gift

This one is cool because it lets clients feel generous, even though they don’t have to pay anything. From a clinic point of view, it’s a great way to get people to book before a certain deadline such as the end of the financial year.

Here’s how it works. The client books and pays for a treatment before a certain date, and they can get a free treatment for a friend. This is a fantastic offer for quiet times during the year and it’s a great way to grow your database.

Insane Percentage Discount

The good old ridiculous discount is a favourite with clients and clinics. Importantly, don’t use it too often or your community will wait for it and be sure to move quickly so the competition can’t respond.

Offers are an opportunity to get new people into your clinic and impress them with your excellent service and treatments. Make sure your internal systems and processes are set up for this and speak to your team about the importance of impressing these new clients – the effectiveness of the offer depends on them understanding the ‘why’ behind the ‘what’.

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