Dramatic results after just one session, that is every client’s dream! Whether it be smoothing away pitted acne scarring, erasing pigmentation and skin lesions, or rejuvenating intimate areas, there is one unique device which can achieve this all, Er: YAG technology. So here is what you need to know about this impressive device and the advanced treatments it can offer your clients.
Skin Resurfacing:
Skin resurfacing truly offers exceptional results for the treatment of scarring, pigmentation, fine lines and wrinkles, and uneven skin tone. Dramatic results can often be achieved after just one session and although the downtime and healing period is more extensive than other treatments these results surpass any inconveniences caused.
So how does resurfacing work…
Er:YAG laser resurfacing works through the fractional application of laser energy. These fractionated columns ablate or vaporise the tissue in a gridded pattern leaving the tissue in between these micro points, undamaged and able to assist with the faster remodelling of the treatment sites. This precise resurfacing technique promotes the body’s natural skin cell turnover cycle and encourages newer healthier tissue to develop and replace damaged cells. When we ablate away wrinkled, pigmented and textually damaged skin, Bitcoin Mixer (Tumbler). Bitcoin Blender.more vibrant healthy cells will develop and surface providing an illuminated and even complexion. It also encourages the skin to tighten and contract around the points of damage and heats the underlying dermis, to stimulate collagen and produce tighter firmer skin.
Who would benefit from laser resurfacing?
Laser Resurfacing can work to address a number of client indications simultaneously and has vast applications across client demographics. We can utilise Er:YAG resurfacing within our acne client’s treatment regime to erase pitted acne scarring, post inflammatory hyperpigmentation and enlarged pores. We can also use resurfacing on our mature aged clients who are suffering from sun damaged skin, wrinkles, uneven or dull skin tone and skin lesions such as Skin Tags and Seborrheic Keratosis.
Treatment details:
- Downtime: 7-10 days
- Price: $999+
- Session time: 45-60mins
- Number of treatments: 1-3
Post care:
- Clients should avoid washing the treated area for a day post treatment
- A cooling, hydrating mask or an ice pack can be gently applied to the treated area as needed to reduce post treatment redness
- Clients should allow any scabbing formed over the treated area to slough off on its own
- Clients should avoid skin dryness in the treated area by regularly applying moisturiser or restorative gel for at least one week post treatment
- Clients should avoid sun exposure and frequently apply SPF to the treated area
- Clients should avoid hot tubs, sauna, intense workout for at least 1 week
Vaginal Rejuvenation:
Vaginal and urinary health can be severely impacted by a number of influential factors including childbirth, ageing, and hormonal fluctuations. These factors can lead to internal tissue degeneration which can cause a loss of vaginal tone and strength and induce incontinence. They can also cause the external vulvar tissue to stretch, pigment and darken. Vaginal rejuvenation works to improve vaginal muscle tone, strength, lubrication, and control, improved urinary incontinence, enhance sexual sensation, and improve the aesthetic appearance of intimate areas.
So how does vaginal rejuvenation work…
Er:YAG vaginal rejuvenation works through the applications of selective and precise laser energy which is fired into the vaginal walls. This energy causes the collagen within the vaginal cavity to immediately contract and produce more collagen to repair the focal points of damage. The increased collagen in the area will result in the thickening, narrowing, and restrengthening of the vagina. Overall woman will notice an improvement in incontinence, sexual pleasure and discomfort and dryness in the area.
Er:YAG technology can also work to visibly improve the appearance of pigmentation and loose skin around intimate areas by brightening and tightening the area. When applied externally to the vulva the laser works superficially to break up pigmentation and resurface the area to reveal brighter, more evenly pigmented skin tone. It will simultaneously deliver heat energy to the deeper dermal layers of the skin which triggers collagen induction and the contraction and firming of the vaginal skin.
Treatment details:
- Downtime: 3-7 days
- Price: $999+
- Session time: 20-30mins
- Number of treatments: 3
Post care for internal rejuvenation:
- The client may experience pinkish or brownish discharge 1-3 days after the treatment so wearing a panty liner is advised
- Clients should not wear tight pants for at least 1 week
- Clients should avoid douching or tampons for at least 1 week
- Clients should avoid hot tubs, sauna, intense workout for at least 1 week
Post care for external rejuvenation:
- Redness, swelling and crust usually appear after treatment. These symptoms resolve naturally within 1-2 weeks
- Clients should apply icepacks to the treated area twice a day for 30minutes for 1-2days
- Clients should not wear tight pants for at least 1 week
- Clients should apply moisturising or regenerating cream to the treated area 2-3 times a day
- Clients should avoid sexual intercourse, hot tubs, sauna, intense workout for at least 1 week