Most of us started our own clinics because we were technically good at our job. We were good at customer service, liked interacting with the public, and obviously had a high level of skills and knowledge in laser hair removal, facial treatments or whatever it was for you.
So, we started a clinic. Perhaps we opened on our own at first, but quickly the clinic gained a momentum of its own. We hired employees, invested in new devices, and perhaps even outgrew our old premises.
But with growth comes complications. Managing staff, hiring, and (painfully) firing team members takes a lot of effort and causes stress. Then there’s marketing to get done because those social media profiles won’t fill themselves. With growth also comes additional paperwork, visits to the accountants, and perhaps even meetings with business partners. Then you have to cover shifts when someone gets sick and the list goes on and on and on.
So, what should your job be now that your business has matured? How can you define your responsibilities, and is it even possible to do so?
Importantly, this question doesn’t have an easy answer but it’s worth taking some time to evaluate where you fit in your business and perhaps considering redefining your role.
Firstly, ask yourself, where you add the most value? Are you at your best when dealing with customers? Do you work better behind-the-scenes? Are you most appreciated when motivating or training staff? This question is important because it has the potential to free you of the shackles of perception.
Do not worry about what you think you should be doing, or what other owners do, focus on where you can add the most value to your business. Some owners, having asked this question of themselves, make themselves a “concierge,” interacting with clients, following up over the phone and confirming appointments. High levels of service, with full responsibility taken for happiness of the customer in the hands of the owner.
Other owners recognise their real talents are on the technical side and go back to their true passion – treating clients. This may involve encouraging other team members to step into more formal leadership positions or even hiring external experts to run parts of the business, but the main thing is the owner is adding value and enjoying what they are doing.
In the end, if you are not enjoying your job then you do have the power to change it. It might take sacrifice, restructure or even a complete rethink of how your business works, but the most value you can add to your business is most likely your own happiness. When you feel good, your clients, staff members, and all the other people that surround your business feel good too.