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What Will Your Re-opened Clinic Look Like?

April 9, 2020

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When your clinic re-opens, what will have changed? We have discussed the Grand Re-opening Strategy in detail, and hopefully, you are convinced that a pre-COVID-19 clinic should be different from a re-opened one.
It’s almost certain that our industry will be re-opened before the virus has been completely wiped out, so our job is to give our clients an incredible experience and make them feel safe.

Here are some suggestions.

Communicate Health Measures

Use your website and physical posters to communicate the actions you have taken to make sure all surfaces and all people are clean and that you are following the recommendations of the relevant authorities.



Make Social Distancing Easy

Social distancing rules are likely to remain in place for an extended period, so make it easy for your clients to understand how they can keep their distance.
Consider the journey of your clients into and out of the clinic. Make sure there are spaces where people can get out of each other’s way, and consider staggering appointments to ensure as few people cross paths as possible. Remove every second seat if you have a waiting area, and put a reminder on the door that all people are required to adhere to social distancing measures.


Make Cleanliness Part of Your Recommendation

Most of us have become adept at recommending products, so why not extend that expertise into general cleanliness? After all, this has become vital for us over the last few months and will continue to be necessary for the foreseeable future. Even if you don’t stock sanitisers (which you should probably consider), you can still demonstrate how much you care by recommending what you consider to be the best products on the market.

Turn Your Products into At-Home Solutions

Once at industry re-opens, a certain percentage of our clients are likely to be short of cash and a few more will no doubt be nervous about visiting the clinic. When you are speaking to them, if they are not going to be scheduling another appointment, how about offering them an at-home pack? Of course, it won’t be as good as a professional treatment, but if it can help them through a difficult period, it’s worth it.

Re-Evaluate Your Offering

Finally, consider the products and treatments you currently have on offer and what you think your clients will want once the industry re-opens.
We think the following treatments will be in hot demand –
• microdermabrasion
• facials
laser hair removal
Also consider any other treatments that are cost-effective and luxurious/calming.

As we have mentioned in previous posts, once the announcement is made that our industry will re-open, it’s highly likely we will only have 24 to 48 hours before we can open our doors again, so start your planning now.

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